Convergence FIG '07

Welcome to the Journalism Blog of the first ever Convergence FIG (Freshmen Interest Group) at the University of Missouri- Columbia. All stories and posts are those of the nineteen students who are a part of the Convergence FIG. Enjoy!

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Perfect Slice of Heaven

“I have a pizza for whoever is hungry…. no wait the name is hungry, a pizza for hungry.”

After a quick adjustment of the cloth, the two women running the oven pull the pizza from the heated stone. Turing, one of them picks up a pizza cuter off the counter beneath the glass and has dinner ready as the customer approaches.

The pizza restaurant that many college students would call their own features simplistic pizza options along side a numerous selection of toppings ranging from breakfast bacon crumbles to the number one why-don’t you-have-it topping — fresh garlic. As you walk into the Shakespeare’s Pizza, which isn’t a fair walk at all just opposite from campus at Ninth and Elm streets, you will notice not only the smell of pizza obviously, but the blend of a family and college atmosphere. The large tables scattered around the room encourage visitors to bring the extended family and the pink towels and plastic cups, well that is a reason not to waste napkins and get a free cup out of it (and we all love the word free). But besides those unique characteristics, this pizza store shares the same transitions and moments of college life. It is fair to say that many college students would starve without this trusted eatery, in fact in a recent survey conducted by Entertainment Weekly; MU students named Shakespeare’s the best “Muchie” spot.

What was once a small restaurant on the boarder of MU’s campus, this college hang-out has seen multiple additions, grown to two locations, and have added carryout to met the demands of their customers. Today, Shakespeare’s Pizza is a $2 to $3 million a year operation and with loyal customers around the community and visiting alumni around the country, this place has rooted itself for the future. Their best ingredient they bring to the customers is their ability to keep things simple and the prices affordable.

This is a unique college destination for college students and for those looking for a restaurant immersed in college memories and showcases Columbia’s hospitality to the finest. It’s is a place for students to stuff their faces with pizza and for a brief moment escape the busy life of college and enjoy life to the fullest!


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