Convergence FIG '07

Welcome to the Journalism Blog of the first ever Convergence FIG (Freshmen Interest Group) at the University of Missouri- Columbia. All stories and posts are those of the nineteen students who are a part of the Convergence FIG. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I think this article shows no obvious effort to force diversity into its subject matter, and includes all citizens of Ohio in its article. As the article describes the increasing amount of prisoners that are entering the prison this year, creating more and more cramped spaces, it seems to address all aspects of diversity. there is no clear bias present, and in an article about prison, there very well could have been. The writer does a good job of sticking to the facts without throwing his own opinion into the article. As a citizen of Ohio, this article concerns me with the slowly declining rate of gaurds in Ohio compared to the thousands of prisoners, and this article did not turn me off in terms of excluding certain groups of people.


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