Convergence FIG '07

Welcome to the Journalism Blog of the first ever Convergence FIG (Freshmen Interest Group) at the University of Missouri- Columbia. All stories and posts are those of the nineteen students who are a part of the Convergence FIG. Enjoy!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Clinton Speaks to Americans

An article entitled “The Clinton Sunday Show Blitz” found in The Caucus- Political Blogging from the New York Times describes Senator Hilary Clinton’s multiple appearances on television yesterday morning. Writer Patrick Healy summarizes how Mrs. Clinton found it appropriate to appear on the Sunday Morning television shows from which she usually strays. Between the five shows, Healy makes note of her mention of her ex-con fundraiser, co-sponoring bills with Barack Obama, and how her campaign is focusing on “ the differences between [her] and the Republicans”.
Now it’s not that I necessarily think that the subject is particularly difficult but from my current standpoint as the inexperienced freshman, I can’t say that I would play an even hand when talking about politics. For the most part, I believe Mr. Healy can. From the article, I didn’t get any sense of whether he was aligned one way or another with a political party but in terms of style there were some things that I felt were a little off. His particular choice to refer to the senators as Mrs. and Mr. was perhaps an attempt to make them seem more familiar but I thought it didn’t fit well with the rest of the text; he’s writing a political article but it’s as though he’s talking about his child’s teacher.
He again faults by becoming too casual when talking about Senator Clinton and her “belly laugh”. However, I do realize that this article was found in a blog, not in print and that style has to do with voice, which directly correlates with the readability of a story.
For the most part, I admire that he can address politics so fairly which, of course, is his job and for all I know the things that I criticized may be praised by anyone more experience in that field.


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